In “Attack of the Man Eaters” the sad fate of the lions was that in either situation they had to face, the lions would have died slowly or instantly from starvation or being shot down. The reason of the lion’s attack was that they were starving and had no pray. When the workers were in their territory and there were plenty of workers the lions took their chance of eating them.
In “Meat the Lion whisperer”
the tragedy of the lion’s fate was that after they became too big for petting and walking they would go to another random entertainment sight. the entertainment sights that they would be sent to would be zoos, circuses, and canned hunting sights. They could not be freed into the wild born in captivity and most zoos did not have room for the lions.
In both articles “Attack of the Man Eaters” and “Meat the Lion whisperer” the authors wright about the tragedy and sad fate of what actually happened to the lions and continues today. The lions who were forced to eat humans to survive but were shot. And when lion cubs get to old for petting and walking the get sold into human entertainment witch can end their life.