The elements of evil live among the population. It has been that way since the creation of time. One can neither run nor hide from something so malicious. Unfortunately, the avoidance of evil can only be accomplished through instinct. On the other hand, the nature of evil is often neglected. As a result, the usage of evil can be misjudged or unaccredited by the human race. “Young Goodman Brown” and “The Minister’s Black Veil” are apparent to these essences of wickedness. In these works by Nathanial Hawthorne, the reader must analyze how evil coexists in everyday life. Even though individuals are subject to glance over evil and the concealing it holds, the presence of it should still be taken with appropriate measures.
What if one
could see an existence of something that others could not? Whether it is a dream or a misconception, the liveliness of this thing seems too real to forget. In “Young Goodman Brown,” Nathanial Hawthorne portrays a key insight to something unforgettable. Imagine if a person were to see people that were proposed to be faithful and righteous, however, these individuals possess an evil livelihood. Would one doubt the very attentiveness of all that is true? Nathanial Hawthorne gives us the idea that even though something seems pure, it can be the direct opposite. Nevertheless, is that not the nature of life itself? Good will always exist with evil. Furthermore, evil has always been a part of human nature. Whether anyone knows it or not, the agency of evil lies in secrecy just like it appears openly. Ultimately, evil will always be iniquitous, and regardless of the form, one must always veer away from the wickedness it holds.
Consequently, sin is what created evil. Therefore, if the secrecy of evil exists, there must also be a presence of secret sin. With that said, it is obvious that secret sin is something that individuals do without knowing it. In “The Minister’s Black Veil,” Hawthorne relates the reader to this matter. As the title speaks for itself, the moral of this short story may not. People are accustomed to certain things and everyone is different. Moreover, one often forgets how much he or she may be hypocritical. It is something humans do on a daily basis that has become more oblivious over time. However, most do not take into account that hypocrisy is a sin. Thus, the creation of secret sin is born through the evil nature of humans.
Then again, it is only human nature to commit such an act of sin. Likewise, it is only appropriate for a human to be surrounded by the nature of evil. Even though humans go through trials and tribulations, it is the decisions that make everyone who they are. Ultimately, everyone is entitled to their acts and doings and everyone will pay the price in the end. Nathanial Hawthorne closely relates the procedure of evil in a humanistic way. The nature of evil will always reside in the presence of humans. Whether or not secret sin and evil go unnoticed is completely up to the individual looking for it. Organisms can always defy their beliefs, but they cannot defy the nature of evil.