Stress arises when an individual perceive that they cannot adequately cope with the demands being made on them or what threatens their well-being (Lazarus,1966).
The Engineering model, was the first in three models developed to understand stress Cox (1978). Cox described stress as being a stimulus in the …show more content…
During short term stress our body undergoes homeostasis and it returns to its normal state at a steady rate the body attempts to reabsorb excess resources it released. In acute stress hormones remain above baseline and cortisol continues to be produced and builds up in the body . This has a negative impact on the immune system because it reduces the amount of white blood cells produced which continues into the final stag which is exhaustion. Prolonged stress causes exhaustion. This is when the demands of the body exceed the supply and the other two stages are ineffective. stress hormones are then unable to restore to homeostasis so the body cannot cope. Adaptation energy is depleted and stress levels remain up leading to cells ,tissues and organs being damaged . Mental and physical effects such as depression, high blood pressure , heart diseases and death are effects of long term stress and prominent in this …show more content…
There are three possible outcomes in primary appraisal , we may then disregard situation as not significant, view it as a challenge likely to overcome if actions are taken with the right recourses or it is seen as a treat to our well-being . This stage is largely determined by experience , for instance if you've previously dealt with a demand and positively resolved it you’re more likely to perceive current situation as a challenge than treat . On the other hand if you have never experienced or encountered such demands you're likely to feel threatened and may react with fear ,anxiety and despair .Secondary appraisal Happens if we than view situation as a negative appraisal it leads to our secondary appraisal process, where we assess our coping resources . Coping resources may include knowledge, skills ,coping strategies ,social and other tangible recourses
Secondary appraisals is when individuals assess their coping resources at this point we decide what to do about treat . This is greatly influenced by our knowledge about how much control we have over situation , belief in abilities or of others ability to successfully overcome demand . Resources may include being assertive and taking action ,seeking support and assistance from others or avoiding situation completely by ignoring it. Reappraisal also takes place this is where the individual would