كلية االقتصاد واإلدارة
Strategic Management (BUS 420)
Muhammad Zafar Yaqub, Ph.D., MBA, MA (Eco.), MA (Pol. Sc.) Room No. 479, 4th Floor Department of Business Administration Voice Direct: +966 2 70470 Mobil: +966 565 466737 Email: zafar.yaqub@yahoo.com Skype ID : mzyaqub
COURSE DESCRIPTION With the advent of the (global) marketplace becoming more and more dynamic and tough due to an ever-intensifying competition, a key determinant/antecedent of the firms’ survival (let alone their success and/or superior performance) has become their ability to ensure a continuous adaptation with the changes taking place in their environment. In such a scenario, the managers/organizations, in order to be successful, need to exhibit a profound understanding of the dynamics of their industries, the changes/trends in other aspects of their firms’ external environment and the firms’ internal strengths and weaknesses. They must be able to think creatively (with a strategic-orientation) in crafting effective strategies to exploit their firms’ strengths while taking on the opportunities available to overcome their firms’ weaknesses in order not to be adversely affected by the threats being posed by the external environment. This course aims at exposing the students to the topics relevant to managing (in fact leading) the businesses strategically in turbulent environments. The primary objective of this course is to familiarize them with the nature and dynamics of the strategy formulation and implementation processes as they occur in the contemporary organizations. The course centers on elaborating upon the avenues for superior business performance through identifying the possible means to create and leverage sustainable competitive advantage. The students are induced to think critically in identifying strategic issues and design appropriate courses of action in order to take on the opportunities available in the (real and/or contrived)