Transport modes are the means by which people and freight achieve mobility, that is moving from one point to another for various reasons. Transport is important since it enables trade between peoples, which in turn establishes civilizations. Mode of transport (or means of transport or transport mode or transport modality or form of transport) is a term used to distinguish substantially different ways to perform transport. Transport using more than one mode is described as intermodal or rather it involves the use of more than one mode of transport for a journey. When a cargo is carried in more than one mode, it is intermodal or co-modal.
Modes of transport chosen usually depend on a varied range of reasons.
They fall into different types depending on the what surface they travel .Each mode is characterized by a set of technical, operational and commercial characteristics.
Human Powered
This mode has existed since time immemorial. It is the transportation of people and freight(goods) using human- muscle power. It is generally in the form of walking, running and swimming. Arguably, modern technology has enhanced this mode and can now be seen in the form of bicycles, hand carts and watercraft rowing to mention but a few.
In its most important advantage, the human powered mode is useful in underdeveloped or inaccessible regions. It is also cost serving and can be a leisure with benefits of physical exercise to the persons’ body and how it is almost friendly to the environment- no emissions that affect the ozone layer!
Its demerits are quite loud! It makes transportation very slow and the transportation of heavy goods is not permissible. On the other hand it is not suitable for long distance and time consuming. The weather also impacts heavily on this mode because it is affected by the environment!
Animal Powered
This mode has also existed since time immemorial.
References: 1. Kotler Armstrong – Principals of Marketing, 1996, Pretence Hall. 2.Knight Mettehew – Beating the Curse of Mars, 2007. 3. Arthur C. Clarke –Interplanetory flight, An introduction to Astronautics, 1950, Harper and Brothers. 4.Cooper et al –Publication Abstract,1998:281-National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 5.