recommendation letters. Most of the community college student body consists of “non-traditional” students.
Meaning they mainly comprise of independent, older adults who are going to college for the first time or are returning after a hiatus from learning. Most of the students are in-state residents from surrounding communities. The majority of students of community colleges attend as part time scholars. On the flip side many students attending four year colleges or universities are “traditional” students. Most are of college age, ages 18 to 22, and they come from all over the country as well as the world. Most students at universities and four year colleges attend on a full time
basis. Although the curriculum at all institutions focuses mainly on liberal arts, sciences, and continuing education, all offer different options to their students. Community colleges offer vocational and technical training for direct entry into the work force, which is vital to their mission. Four year colleges and universities focus on preparing individuals for professional degrees in law or medicine as well as other graduate level education. All community colleges offer an associate’s degree as their highest degree awarded. They can be completed in two years of full time attendance. All universities and four year colleges offer a bachelor’s degree as their highest undergraduate degree which is completed normally in 4 to 6 years. The certificate programs offered by community colleges usually take less than a year to a year, going full time, to complete. Community colleges cater mostly to students who do not live on campus. Although some, not many, do have dormitories for on campus living. Universities and four year colleges push for students to live on campus by offering housing on campus with the use of dormitories. Average class size for four year colleges and universities varies but lower division classes are very large. Class sizes typically have between 25 to 40 students. Tuition cost for both higher education institutions vary widely and all accept grants, scholarships, and government help (FASFA). Tuition for community colleges is more affordable then tuition at universities and four year colleges. University and four year college’s costs are usually twice, if not more, then that of community colleges. They are much closer to the price of private institutions. As you can see there are many similarities between community college missions and universities or four year college missions. All have the purpose of providing a way of higher learning or advancing your knowledge in a field. But with all the similarities there are just as many differences. From the price of tuition to the highest degree offered at the school.