
Compare And Contrast Upon The Burning Of Our House

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Compare And Contrast Upon The Burning Of Our House
It is clear that the poem “Upon the Burning of Our House,” by Anne Bradstreet and the sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” spoken by Jonathan Edwards have not only distinct religious views but also contrasting styles. Anne Bradstreet viewed God as extremely passionate, loving, and sympathetic to humans but on the contrary, Edwards viewed God as harsh, angry, and disgusted. For example, in Bradstreet’s poem, she makes numerous statements on how loving God is. In line 54-55, she says, “He might of all justly bereft/But yet sufficient for us left.” This reveals that Bradstreet realizes that God has taken some things in her life but that He is so loving and compassionate to leave other things for her. Edwards view of God is vastly different.

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