CSS 422
Compare and Contrast (WAP/WML) and Java 2 platform Micro Edition (J2ME)
As technology is changing there are new ways to develop programs for the many types of mobile networked devices. Wireless application protocol (WAP) and Wireless markup language (WML), which work together to design and architect an application to be sent to wireless mobile devices for users to download and enjoy. The Java 2 platform micro edition (J2ME) is a more extensive platform that is used in designing wireless applications.
Wireless Application Protocol
The Wireless Application Protocol is a technical standard for accessing information over a wireless mobile network. This type of browser is used for mobile devices like cell phones. You can access such things as sports, public media information, political information, news, music, etc. (Mahmoud, 2002) WAP is based exceedingly on the web programming model, which allows the user/developer to design and architect a program inside a browser to enter information. The web pages are written in the Hyper Text Markup Language (HTTP). (Mackenzie & Sharkey, 2001)
A developer can design a low-level program that allows a user to access simple programs such as games. A developer can also use the web programming model to make programs that are highly functional by having a program within a program. This is called Dynamic HTML (DHTML). DHTML allows another web page to change without having to wait for the server.
There are downfalls to WAP and the reasons are; just as the DHTML allows another web page to load without having to wait for the server. On the other hand, the standard of HTML is, once a web page is loaded from the server, it will not change until another request comes from the server. This takes more time away from the user, since they must wait for request from the server.
Wireless Markup Language
References: Mackenzie, D., Sharkey, K. (2001, 20 August). InformIT: Building the user interface with web forms. Retrieved August 7, 2011 from http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=131102 Mahmoud, Q. (2002, February). Oracle: J2ME, MIDP, and WAP complementary technologies. Retrieved August 6, 2011 from http://developers.sun.com/mobility/midp/articles/midpwap/ Oracle. (2011). Mobile information device profile: (MIDP). Retrieved August 6, 2011 from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index-jsp-138820.html