University College
General Education Program
Course Syllabus
Fall 2013-2014
Course Name:
College Mathematics
Course Code:
MTG100 Section: 2
Course Pre-requisites:
Course Co-requisites:
Credit hours:
3 credit
Instructor’s Name: Hatem Mohamed Deif
Telephone: 02-5015786 E-mail:
Class Location: Class time:
Office Location: D-2F 144 Office Hours: Sun/Tue/Thu 11:10 – 12:30
1. Course Description
This course will provide a solid foundation for further studies in mathematics. It aims to help students develop computational, procedural, and problem-solving skills. The course will include topics such as: polynomial operations, factoring, absolute value, rational expressions, equations (linear, quadratic, radical, rational), systems of equations, inequalities, functions, graphs of quadratic and linear equations and inequalities in two variables, complex numbers and applications.
2. Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. perform operations involving polynomials and factoring polynomials
2. solve and graph equations and inequalities such as linear, absolute value, quadratic, rational, and radicals
3. demonstrate an understanding of rational expressions, exponents, radicals, and complex numbers
4. analyze the graph of a function, and perform operations with functions
5. solve problems that involve systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables, graphically and algebraically
6. promote self-learning and critical thinking by expanding on the material learned, applying real applications and explore various techniques used such as graphing calculators
Expected Learning Outcomes and Associated Measures
Course Learning Outcome
Relevant Program Learning Outcome
Assessment Tool(s)*