Comp. 1
Your task is to create a comparison/contrast essay in which you identify two specific subjects and discuss their similarities and/or differences
. It is up to you as the writer to decide how to approach this. Keep in mind that, if you decide to compare AND contrast, you must include equal paragraphs for each side. When choosing topics, pick two closely related ideas and pick them apart.
Also note, this is
NOT an argumentative essay
. You are not to choose one idea and make it appear
“better” than the other idea. You are to present both topics equally and simply inform the reader of the similarities and/or differences between the two. Your essay should be 2 ½ + pages in length. It should be typed in 12 point Times or Times
New Roman font and have 1” margins. It must also be doublespaced. Your name, my name, the course name and hour, and the due date must appear on the first four lines (SINGLE SPACE) in the upper LEFTHAND corner of the paper. Be sure to give your essay an original title.
This essay is to be written in third person. Before handing the final draft of your essay in, make sure to staple information in the following order: final draft, rough drafts, peer conferencing sheets, outline, Venn Diagram, free writing worksheet, working thesis statement, and rubric. Class Schedule for Comparison/Contrast Essay: Feb. 23
Introduce essay; Brainstorming; Free write worksheet
(Free write worksheet due TUESDAY at the BEGINNING of the hour) Feb. 24
Prewriting Work Time; Check Prewriting Activities Worksheet (5 points) Feb. 25
Work on Venn Diagram (Due by the END of the hour 10 points); Write thesis statement (due at beginning of hour THURSDAY – 5 points) Feb. 26
Check thesis (5 points); Essay outline structure; Outline due at END of hour
FRIDAY (20 points) Feb. 27 Work on outline; Outline check at the END of the hour (20 points) Mar. 2