So some ways people may escape from society are either going onto the internet or just tying to forget they have any work to do in the first place. If they are trying to forget about every thing, most of the time the person will end remembering and then try to do it at the last minute which also can build up stress. Most of the time the thing people are escaping from work, school, stress, responsibility, and sometimes just everything going on in life. So basically they just try and block out the world and everyone around them. So that is ways people escape and how they might escape from society. …show more content…
If you just get your work done than you can have more free time for activities, like hikes or searching the web and other stuff you want to do. If you get your work done and have a lot of free time than you may feel better and won't be as stressed out. A lot of times just thinking about work gives people stress, because that's when they realize how much work needs to be done. So that is about how much time should be appropriate for other