Compare the ways in which the texts achieve their purpose
Text A is an advertisement for Abernethy biscuits; it was published on 19th June 1830 in the courier, a Manchester paper. This text is trying to appeal to all ages. Text B is also an advertisement for Weston biscuits. It was published in Good Housekeeping magazine in 1943 during the Second World War. This magazine was very popular amongst the women before and during the war.
Both texts have different approaches to achieving their purpose and that is why their structures are very dissimilar. For instance text A is an advertisement in the paper which means that there are no illustration to support the advertisement, however the layout of the advertisement is like a poem which adds a more friendly approach to the reader as it makes it softer and less aggressive to the reader. Whereas text B is advertised in a magazine meaning that there is more room and that the advertisement needs to stick out and by using the image it aids the advertisement to relate to the women reading the magazine as the image is of a working woman during the war.
Both texts use different methods to attract the reader such as Text B uses different fonts to help interest the reader; therefore the reader will be encouraged to keep reading as the fonts help to keep the attention of the reader and to entertain the reader as the advertisement goes on. Text A on the other hand only uses the same font throughout the advertisement but uses a rhyming method to keep the reader entertained and motivated to carry on reading, this assists the advertisement to sell their product as it relates to all of the people reading the advertisement.
Both the advertisements use different language choices. In text A we can see that the type of language used is what would be used during the 1830’s such as the words, “quickly hie”, and “King’s Arm nigh” this sort of words help us to understand the context of the advertisement as