Dr. Michael J. Rothrock
The Netherland’s new health care system for all has received recognition as a possible pattern for the U. S. to restructure its health care system. Let us compare the two and see how they relate to one another.
The study of 2009 (Health Care in the Netherlands and the US: A Comparative Study) looked at the Dutch and U. S. health care expense for a family of four. Frank Thomas and John Lawrence, who are editors/writers for the San Diego free press found that the precise ratio that it costs in the U. S. of $240 to each $100 of the Dutch price for a family plan (Thomas & Lawrence, 2012). Something to consider, both country’s systems for health insurance are totally denationalized and the two structures have resulted in total opposite outcomes. All health care costs in the Netherlands was 10.2% of gross domestic product (GDP) compared to 17% for the U. S. in 2009 (Thomas & Lawrence, 2012). The U. S. remains the most expensive in the world when it comes to health care services and both countries extend personalized health care through the insurers but the Dutch health care facilities run against each other on how well they treat and serve their patients under an essential basic health care system of “regulated competition” in which the government oversees installment costs, discounts, prices, and conditions of care. This paper will give us a larger view of the two country’s health care outcomes and outlooks. Please note that dental care will be left out except for the children under 18, their dental is customary under the Dutch basic family plan an extra benefit for the Dutch plan as the U. S. dental prices steadily climb upward. The Dutch plan also has something called “own risk” simply meaning that the people have a choice of greater discount prices by the cost of “own risk” thereby lessoning their monthly installment payments (Thomas & Lawrence, 2012).
Everyone that live in the Netherlands
References: Kaiser Family Foundation. (2009). 2009 Kaiser Study. Retrieved from http://kff.org/health-costs/report/employer-health-benefits-2012-annual-survey/ Lynch, R., & Altenburg-van den Broek, E. (2010). The draw backs of dutch-style health care rules. The Heritage Foundation, No. 2435, 1-15. Retrieved from http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2010/07/the-drawbacks-of-dutch-style-health-care-rules-lessons-for-americans Suarez, R. (2009, October 6). Comparing International Health Care Systems. PBS News Hour. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/health/july-dec09/insurance_10-6.htmt/ Thomas, F., & Lawrence, J. (2012, September 19). Comparison: Dutch vs. U. S. Private Health Care Costs. San Diego Free Press. Retrieved from http://sandiegofreepress.org/2012/09/comparison-dutch-vs-us-private-health-care-costs/