Introduction to Intercultural Communication
Module number: LE1030
Comparetion of commercial negotiations style between China and UK
Candidate number: 294233
Word Count: 1695
Submitted to: Neale Richardson
Abstract: This paper intends to explain the differences between China and the UK in commercial negotiations style by using Geert Hofstede’s Five Dimensions of National Culture and Edward Hall’s High Context and Low Context Cultures. This kind of different style mainly displays in the tactics of negotiation, decision making and the target of negotiation.
Content page
1. Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
2. The differences between China and UK in commerce negotiations style----3
2.1 The difference of negotiation’s tactics -----------------------------------------------3
2.2The difference of decision making ----------------------------------------------------4
3. The difference of negotiation’s target-------------------------------------------------5
3. The similarities between China and UK in commerce negotiations style----6
1. The way of speaking----------------------------------------------------------------------6
3.2 The degree of social respect for women---------------------------------------------7
4. Conclusion -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
5. Recommendations -------------------------------------------------------------------------7
5.1 Neither overbearing nor impatient-----------------------------------------------------7
5.2 Try to adapt to different cultures-------------------------------------------------------7
6. References
References: 6. Reference: Edward Twitchell Hall (1981) Fan Hao. (2011). Confucian Culture and Modern Management Methods. Available: Last accessed 23th April 2012. Geert Hofstede . (2003). Dimensions. Available: Geert Hofstede & Gert Jan Hofstede. (2005). Culture and organization: software of the mind. NY: Mc Graw Hill. 4 (5), 211. Geert H. Hofstede (2003). Culture 's consequences: comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nations. 3rd ed. America: Sage Publications. P36-65. Les Dlabay, Jim Scott, James Calvert Scott (2010). International Business. 4th ed. United Sates: Cengage Learning. 77. Y. H. Wong, Thomas K. Leung (2001). Guanxi: Relationship Marketing in a Chinese Context. America: Routledge. 1.