However, even though he despises his father and what he represents he still ends up living a similar delusional life, exaggerating and manipulating reality in his favor. Happy doesn't doubt his father's dreams; they have been instilled in his mind and have become his own. He, unlike Biff, has a steady job and works as an assistant to the assistant buyer, but yet still he refers to himself as the assistant buyer because he feels that status defines a man, as his father always referred to making money and being on top. Both Biff and Happy adopt Willy's habit of denying or manipulating reality and practice it all their lives. At Willy's funeral though, Biff realizes that his father had all the wrong dreams, and that he, just like his father, had fooled himself into thinking he was someone other than himself. He decides to start a "new" life and invites Happy to come along with him. Happy disagrees with him, and insists that his father's dream was the only dream a man can have and that he would be the one to fulfill it now that his father is gone.