The plan for this essay would be to first explain the deadly sins and connect them to the quotes within the text. Once the quotes have been connected then the next step would be to explain further how each character and tropes are used throughout literature. To base these connections the additional information will be peer reviewed articles or find essays that support the idea. In addition supporting documentation will be from anthologies and research based of the writer Sir Thomas Malory. Explaining the background of the author Sir Thomas Malory will also shed light on why he wrote the characters he did as King Arthur is a fantasy character and not based on any actual being. Hopefully this information is sufficient enough for the proposal to be
The plan for this essay would be to first explain the deadly sins and connect them to the quotes within the text. Once the quotes have been connected then the next step would be to explain further how each character and tropes are used throughout literature. To base these connections the additional information will be peer reviewed articles or find essays that support the idea. In addition supporting documentation will be from anthologies and research based of the writer Sir Thomas Malory. Explaining the background of the author Sir Thomas Malory will also shed light on why he wrote the characters he did as King Arthur is a fantasy character and not based on any actual being. Hopefully this information is sufficient enough for the proposal to be