“Saving Private Ryan” is a movie inspired by D-day. The story is about three brothers and two of them died in WWII. One brother is still alive, he is expected to be excused from the war because all his brothers are dead. Tom Hanks arrives at the D-Day invasion and sees soldiers killed all around him. Tom Hanks was told to go look for this last remaining soldier Ryan. Looking at this film, D-day and the film “Saving Private Ryan” has many similarities like the war. During D-day, Anne was being hopeful. Anne wanted to experience liberation but tragically wasn’t able to. Anne hoped, 1944 will bring an end to the war. My parent is originally and born in SriLanka. Around 1975-1985, there was war happening because the government wanted to separate the land. My parents were around 16-18 years old that time. During the war, my parents were being calm and hopeful just like how Anne did, during the war. Both my parents and Anne, hoped for war to end, like Anne. This war has been happening for many years, and currently, has stopped. Many families in Sri Lanka have gone through the same consequences Anne’s family had to go through. Everybody’s life throughout the entirety of “The Diary of a Young Girl” is in constant danger same as in Sri Lanka as my parents went through for several …show more content…
Anne hopes to return to a normal life. Anne hears a broadcast about the Allied forces landing in Norway, France, D-day was an important event in history and to the world for many reasons. Some of them were that we stopped Adolf Hitler and his army from pushing past Europe. It also helped the Jews because they were being persecuted and we gave them hope. Anne already had known that the Allied landings wouldn't directly bring liberation and freedom. Anne wrote about the Fears that was happening, the hardships, and sufferings still to come, but now hoped it was the end was in sight. Sadly, she wasn’t able to have the experience of liberation and freedom for which she has waited for so long. Anne’s family’s hiding place the Secret Annex was exposed to the Nazis and wasn’t able to survive imprisonment. This proves Anne has not given up hope. Anne wonders if the year 1944 will bring an end to the war. After Anne describes all of the hopes she has for liberation on D-day she ends with the thought that she may finally be able to return to school in the fall. The residents in the Annex are looking forward to liberation and freedom. “ This is the day. The invasion has begun! “ (Frank 244). This reflects the tone in the Secret Annex. Everyone is nervously expecting news of the invasion. Not only is everyone nervous, but there is a new sense of hope and freedom among the Annex residents. The