
Comparing Disney's Goldilocks And The Three Bears

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Particularly, fairy tales are usually the most common story told to young children, and it exposes them to our society’s values. The story Goldilocks and the Three Bears, we learn not use other people materialistic objects that does not belong to us. What we don’t know that most of the stories we heard came back from many generations before we were born. That usually every century has their new version of that fairy tale. Cinderella is clearly the most popular, and the old fairy tale that hasn’t been lost in the history of time. The story Cinderella has had many adaptations over the generations, and had the characters, environment, and a new target audience changed. The reason Cinderella had so many adaptations of itself mostly, because of …show more content…

The story originated from Ancient Egypt when the empire was the most feared one in the world. It uses its natural wonders in the story too, such as the Nile, and their Gods. It also included how their society function and incorporate it to make more realistic. Then later on it was adapted from the eastern lands, it relates also by their way of life. They changed the story to attract a different audience than the original story. Then centuries later the story was adapted again, and was overwhelming with Prussian influences. Lastly, it was adapted by Walt Disney in the 1950s to have American influences in the story such as different type of …show more content…

In every adaptation they use in Cinderella, they used a strategy call Rags to Riches. It’s where the main character starts with nothing at all. They would be considered at the bottom of the social class structure too. They will eventually work so hard that they break from their social class, and become wealthy. There’s always a huge gathering or an event that gets Cinderella close to the upper class. Cinderella story most of the time use high level marriage (marriage with a king or prince) to break that social class. They made the main character “Cinderella” to look like the nice young woman that treats everyone with respect even animals. That she suffers from other people who are jealous of her. They usually make her do some kind of hard labor, while they sloth the whole time. There’s always a father in the beginning of each story to show the family aspect of the story. They always try to distant the father of the main characters as much as possible, such as saying he died, or just not mention about him anymore. There’s always magic in these types of stories. The magic helps the “Cinderella” to obtain her goal, and get vengeance to the other characters that would harm

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