The feeling of not living up to one's full potential can lead too many unacceptable actions. Even though Dr. Jekyll has a good reputation and enjoys that, he feels that there is more to him than what he shows the public. Dr. Jekyll states “The worst of my faults was a certain impatient gaiety of disposition, such as has made the happiness of many, …show more content…
The polar opposite of Dr. Jekyll, but the same person, Mr. Hyde is the embodiment of evil and he is known for his random outburst of rage. A clear example of one such outburst would be when he murdered a lord in the middle of the street, a witness states that “suddenly this Mr. Hyde became crazy with anger! He waved his stick and started shouting. The old man looked very surprised.”. This intense anger caused and unplanned attack on an innocent man, which is very different from the anger motivated Mr. Ripley. Tom is enraged by the sight of Dickie Greenleaf kissing Marge, he runs back to Dickie’s house and starts to toss things around. Soon after he goes into Dickie’s room and puts on Dickie’s clothing and started to act out the murder of Marge as Dickie, he exclaims “‘Marge stop it!’ Tom turned suddenly and made a grab at the air as if he were seizing Marge’s throat.” Even though in this instance Tom is acting as Dickie, Tom did plot to do it himself, he never did but it's the thought that counts. Tom’s anger is unleashed by plotting brutal murders and then executing them, unlike Mr. Hyde who just jumps at any given chance. In the end anger is what fueled most of the deaths in these two