The supernatural and natural worlds are very closely related within these two novels. The gods, which represent supernatural, are present in the natural lives of humans in both The Epic of Gilgamesh and in The Golden Ass. The supernatural and natural worlds are constantly interacting with one another, and Gilgamesh and Lucius, themselves, are mixture of natural human and supernatural creatures. The presence of gods, super powers, and creatures not of the natural world are all proof of the overlapping of the natural and supernatural worlds. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, there are plenty of examples of how the supernatural and natural come into contact and have an overlapping relationship. First, Gilgamesh is superhuman;
he is two parts god and one part human. He walks amongst the humans as their king, but he possesses powers of the gods. This example shows that if there were not an overlap of natural and supernatural, the gods and humans would not be able to communicate and walk amongst each other. Also, in this primary source, on page five in The Epic of Gilgamesh, the goddess Aruru creates the hero Enkidu. She makes him to be Gilgamesh’s equal counterpart. If the natural and supernatural worlds had no overlapping relationship(s), a goddess could not interfere with the natural world to create such a creature to take down a king. The creation of both Gilgamesh and Enkidu did not happen naturally, yet they exist in the natural world, which shows a definite mesh of the two worlds. The combination of natural and supernatural worlds into one is certainly obvious within The Epic of Gilgamesh. In The Golden Ass Lucius is a man who turns himself into an ass. The way in which he does this is by using a witch’s balm; clearly showing a major overlapping in relationships. No man in the natural world would be able to turn himself into a donkey in any literal sense. Just in this one example, there is no doubt that the supernatural world is joined with the natural. In addition to this, a witch is a supernatural creature. On page thirty seven of The Golden Ass it states that the witch is indeed superhuman, thus making her not part of the natural world. The relationship that the people have with the gods within this book can also be used as examples of the supernatural world interfering with the natural. They relate the gods to everyday occurrences, thus giving them a presence within their lives in most everything they do. The relationship with the gods, a man turning himself into an ass, and a magical woman with unnatural powers show the combination of the two worlds. In both books, the rules of the natural world are broken by introducing supernatural beings and their way of life. In The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Golden Ass, the main characters are part supernatural and part natural beings. Both Lucius and Gilgamesh also encounter other supernatural beings amongst their natural humans they live with. In conclusion, there is evidence of major overlapping of the natural and supernatural worlds in both of the books.