A family can be defined as a group of individuals in relation
A family can be defined as a group of individuals in relation
Еrіkson іs bеst known for hіs thеory of еіght stagеs of Psychosocіal Dеvеlopmеnt. Еrіkson’s thеory іs dіffеrеnt from sіmіlar thеorіеs madе by othеr psychologіsts іn that іt spans thе еntіrе lіfе cyclе as opposеd to only thе fіrst fіvе yеars of lіfе, whіch many bеlіеvеd was whеn pеrsonalіty dеvеlopmеnt еndеd. Еrіkson’s еіght stagеs of psychosocіal dеvеlopmеnt thеory combіnе both іntеrnal psychologіcal factors and еxtеrnal socіal factors. Еach of thе еіght stagеs buіlds upon thе othеrs and cеntеrs on a spеcіfіc crіsіs or challеngе that must bе fіxеd durіng that stagе іn ordеr to movе еffеctіvеly onto thе nеxt stagе of dеvеlopmеnt.…
There are several agents of socialization; three of them are family, religion, and the workplace. Family is the most important of the social agents. A persons coming into society can be a negative one or a positive one and it begins with the relationships that person has at home. A person who is loved and nurtured at home is more than likely to grow into a loving and nurturing person and a productive person in society. A person who is neglected and not cared for at home has a greater chance of being a negative part of society. (Brinkerhoff, White, Ortega, and Weitz, 2011) A traditional family consists of a mother, father, and one or more children. More families are raised by a single parent, and in some of those homes the single parent is a male. The effects of a child growing up in a single parent home are low…
Erik Erikson developed eight stages in personality development spanning birth to later years. Erikson believed that an individual's inner instincts interact with outside influences which then have a bearing on the way an individual's personality develops. (SOURCE) According to Erikson’s stages, Shazad is currently in the “generativity versus stagnation” phase. The characteristics of this stage include looking beyond one’s self and embracing society and future generations. (TEXTBOOK, PG. 36) Developing concern for those outside the family is the favored outcome. Shazad fits well into this stage. He has noticed that his personal attractiveness no longer matters to him as it did when he was younger. He pays more attention to politics and…
This assignment has been very difficult for me to do. The first task in this assignment is to explain in which of Erikson’s eight stages of life I believe I am currently in.…
When Erikson developed his psychosocial theory, he used Sigmund Freud as a basis for his theory (Capps, 2011, p. 881-882). Erikson expanded on Freud's stages because he wanted to include old age, since Freud did not explain his psychosexual theory passed adolescence (Fleming, 2004, p. 9-3). It is significant that Erikson continued his stages of human development through old age; it shows us that development continues past adolescence. In Erikson's theory he creates eight stages of development in an individuals "lifespan," each stage has a crisis that must be addressed before the start of the next stage, (Sneed, Whitbourne, & Culang, 2006, p. 149). Although each stage is critical for the next stage to be successful, each stage can be "revisited" because each stage effects the next stage (Sneed Whitbourne, & Culang, 2006, p. 149).…
Adolescence is a stage at which we are neither an adult nor are we a child. Life of an…
‘’We are moulded by and re-moulded by those who have loved us; and though the love may pass, we are nevertheless their work for good or ill’’ ( Francois Mairlac) 1. Explain the sequence of development that would normally be expected in children and young people from birth to -19 years.Children have certain basic, physical and psychological needs and if these needs are not met then growth psychological developmental will be distorted in many ways. Everyone needs shelter, food, water, warmth and not to mention grooming and hygiene, activities which are laid down in Maslow’s hierarchy of basic need. If they are neglected or unfulfilled then this will have an adverse effect and may delay the child’s development stage. As children grow older they should have opportunities to learn from experiences and to make mistakes. Adding to that, they need to take responsibility for their own behaviour and increasing independence in personal, social and money matters and just a sense of thoughtfulness for others.Erikson psychosocial theory of development has eight stages, each stage us named and has ‘’two opposed outcomes; the first one refers to the positive eg.trust. The second one is negative dysfunctional eg., mistrust. He also sees development as proceeding throughout our lifecycle. Erikson believes that the interaction between the individual and the social environment produces the eight stages of which they centre in a development crisis. In addition each child will have individual needs, unique to itself. 2.2 Analyse the difference between sequence of development and rate of Development and why the distinction is important. Opportunities to make helpful contributions to daily living at home or in a social group. Children who have suffered physical or emotional abuse neglect or who have had inconsistent primary carers become very confused not knowing how to interpret their…
Increasingly, social scientists are recognizing the importance of both religion and government (“the state”) as agents of socialization, because of their impact on the life course (Schaefer 88). Traditionally, family members have served as the primary caregivers in our culture, but in the 20th century, the family’s protective function was steadily transferred to outside agencies such as hospitals, mental health clinics, and child care centers (Schaefer 88). Many of these agencies are run by groups affiliated with certain religions or by the state (Schaefer 88). Both organized religion and government have impacted the life course by reinstituting some of the rites of passage once observed in…
An individual is made up of his or her frames of reference. Our social interactions and beliefs are all a reflection of our surroundings, environment, things we hear, feel or touch. A frame of reference can simply be defined as “The context, viewpoint, or set of presuppositions or of evaluative criteria within which a person's perception and thinking seem always to occur, and which constrains selectively the course and outcome of these activities" therefore one can say, Gender, Age, Religion, Environment, Education, Occupation, Political Class, Family and Press are the common determinants of individual frames of reference.…
In today’s world, families are dynamic and interdependent systems. The developmental processes of the children in the family are deeply affected by how the family system operates. However, a family’s structure does not determine whether it is a healthy family system or not. Today, families consist of single parents, stepparents, divorced parents, remarried parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. They are all able to contribute to a healthy functioning family system by meeting each family member’s needs and encouraging positive communication (Jamiolkowski, 2008). Unhealthy family systems have negative and possibly long-term effects on a child, both physically and emotionally. An unhealthy family system affects brain development and social development. Moreover, parents hold a particularly important part in their child’s spiritual development. When a family system lacks spiritual modeling, the children do not develop a spiritual relationship and lack religious meaning in their family life (Roehlkepartain, King, Wagener, Benson, 2006).…
Per Erikson, the first thing a child must learn in infancy is to trust himself and those around him in his environment (Berns, 2013). This is the basis of his personality growth; from here he will conquer many different stages as he grows and develops.…
Various aspects of human development are combined together to make-up an individual’s growth and development. Human development contains three dimensions which are, biological development, psychological development, . Each theory differs in terms of the weight or importance it assigns to these biological, psychological, or social factors. Nonetheless, they each acknowledge there is an important inter-relationship between nature biology and temperament and nurture the social environment and life experience in the formation of personality experiences in the formation of personality. These aspects of human development or behavior can be developed by an individual’s culture, family, and community. During an individual’s life span, the foundation of human development begins to change, which is a direct result of an individual’s social environment.…
Infancy|1 to 2 years|Trust vs. Mistrust|The child, well - handled, nurtured, and loved, develops trust and security and a basic optimism. Badly handled, s/he becomes insecure and mistrustful. |…
The same observations can be said in the conception of religion where social variations are great and religious values will be institutionalized even when a specific religion is not. To exist and function as it should each institution in society needs to face and solve certain problematic issues, these are identified as goal attainment (define primary goals), adaption ( evolution of more efficient systems), integration ( coordinating society as a whole unit) and latency ( motivation of people to perform as society expects ) all of which are structural commands that have to be adhered to for an institution to survive (Talcott Parsons, 1937). This theory leads to the idea of functional independence between organised structures in society, such as family, work, education and religion. The values of these institutions that determine a particular behaviour are communicated through generations and become an integral part of social society.…
Development is a lifelong process. It incorporates the biological, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual growth of people. Our genetic make-up, culture, society, and experiences are the factors that influence our developmental growth. The developmental stages that this book touched basis on were middle adulthood and old age. According to Erik Erikson, there are eight stages of psychosocial development. This book portrays the last two: Generativity vs. Stagnation (middle adulthood) and Integrity vs. Despair (old age). A theory of this development is that the tasks accomplished in one stage lay a foundation for tasks in the next stage of development (McLeod, 2008).…