He not only puts his own life in danger, but his whole crew’s lives because they all ignore the prophecy that Elijah made about the ships fate. The method that Ahab wishes to uses to torture Moby-Dick is death, but this goes along with torture similar to Chillingsworth’s. Ahab says he shall no rest until the white wale is hanging by his tail on the Pequod having his fat cut off of his bones. This is a common thing that would happen to all whales that were harpooned, but the captain means it in a different way in this situation. The whale’s torture will not end after its death Ahab intends to get full revenge on his lost leg. Just like Chillingsworth, Ahab neglects the people around him and puts them in danger while doing it. He asks his crew to take a blood oath swearing their lives to finding and killing the whale. He doesn’t care for the needs of his crew, whom he is obligated to be responsible for. Around the middle of the story, Ahab begins to show affection for a young boy named Pip. Pip was cast over board in a whaling ship one night late while looking for the white whale. He has a near death experience by almost getting eaten by a shark and drowning. When Pip gets back aboard the Piqued rumors go around saying he is filled with dark magic, much like Pearl. Ahab begins to care for the boy one day after seeing him dressed up in his own cloths and a peg leg. He says that the boy appears to be him, starts to take a strong liking to
He not only puts his own life in danger, but his whole crew’s lives because they all ignore the prophecy that Elijah made about the ships fate. The method that Ahab wishes to uses to torture Moby-Dick is death, but this goes along with torture similar to Chillingsworth’s. Ahab says he shall no rest until the white wale is hanging by his tail on the Pequod having his fat cut off of his bones. This is a common thing that would happen to all whales that were harpooned, but the captain means it in a different way in this situation. The whale’s torture will not end after its death Ahab intends to get full revenge on his lost leg. Just like Chillingsworth, Ahab neglects the people around him and puts them in danger while doing it. He asks his crew to take a blood oath swearing their lives to finding and killing the whale. He doesn’t care for the needs of his crew, whom he is obligated to be responsible for. Around the middle of the story, Ahab begins to show affection for a young boy named Pip. Pip was cast over board in a whaling ship one night late while looking for the white whale. He has a near death experience by almost getting eaten by a shark and drowning. When Pip gets back aboard the Piqued rumors go around saying he is filled with dark magic, much like Pearl. Ahab begins to care for the boy one day after seeing him dressed up in his own cloths and a peg leg. He says that the boy appears to be him, starts to take a strong liking to