
Comparing Hamlet And Hamlet

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Comparing Hamlet And Hamlet
Two famous classical tragedies, Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Hamlet, are considered among the best theatrical works of all time. Macbeth is the story of an ambitious man tempted with the idea of acquiring a position of great power and, as a result, he stops at no moral boundary to attain it. The tragedy reveals the damaging effects of this ambition on one’s psychological health. Hamlet is the story of a depressed and melancholic prince given the task of avenging his father’s death by killing his uncle who has usurped the throne. Hamlet lacks the ability to take action, and with his indecisiveness, comes tragedy. Throughout Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Macbeth, the protagonists exhibit changes in personality and morality, largely due to the effects …show more content…
Throughout Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Macbeth, the evolution of the protagonists influences the trust and safety of the people around them. Macbeth undergoes a shift in loyalty, and loses sight of his morals. This has a disastrous effect on the people of Scotland, as their new king no longer cares about the country’s well-being. In addition, Macbeth’s reign terrifies the people of Scotland because he kills anyone who poses a threat to stealing his power. Two examples include the assassination of Banquo and Macduff’s family. Macbeth has Banquo and his son killed in order to prevent Banquo’s son from becoming king as the witches predicted. Although Banquo’s son escapes, Macbeth feels secure in his position of power. When the witches tell Macbeth “Beware Macduff. Beware the thane of Fife” (IV i 73), Macbeth attempts to have Macduff assassinated to protect his power. In reality, Macduff has left Scotland, so the assassins kill his innocent wife and children. Hamlet’s change in personality, like Macbeth, also affects the people around him. Notably, Hamlet has an impact on his love Ophelia and her brother Laertes. Because of Hamlet’s negative attitude toward women — due to his mother — Hamlet lashes out at Ophelia when she obeys her father, and agrees to stop seeing

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