The religion of Islam originated in the city of Mecca or Medina located in Saudi Arabia. Islam began long before Muhammad had even existed but to this day, Muhammad has a big impact on their religion and acts of the founder. This all took place at the start of the seventh century. Just like the religion of Islam, Christianity has a specific location where it originated but in this case it is Palestine located on the eastern end of the Mediterranean. The founder of Christianity is considered to be Jesus but some may also say Paul. The religion of Christianity was brought to life in seven B.C. As you can see, Islam and Christianity both have specific founders, a distinct location in which they were founded, and a general time when his all took place. Although the …show more content…
Islam has what is called the Quran whereas Christians use the Bible. They have different names but both act as a holy book to guide their religions just with slightly different information. Many religions and individuals have places where they feel their God’s presence most evidently. For Islam it would be the city of Mecca which hold their main place of worship. For Christians, you can easily argue that Jerusalem is a place where God is help present. Both cities hold separate meaning to each person who comes across