World History AP
5 September 5, 2012
Comparing The Hammurabi’s Code of Law to Jewish Regulations
1) The Babylonian law tried to put a monetary value on different parts of justice, and equate crimes together regardless of intention, leading to the popular saying, “an eye for an eye”. This view does not work with a large, professional bureaucracy as it would soon leave the leading kingdom bankrupt. The use of volunteers by the state is exemplified by the “success” of the laws. The leading kingdom believed that laws would be upheld by volunteers, thus preventing anarchy, and establishing rule over the Babylonian people. Public works were also upheld by the “volunteers” as they brought forward people to self-declared Babylonian justice. They kingdom trusted them to bring themselves into justice, thus leading to the pivotal role of the “volunteers”. With the invention of laws, came the power enforcement of the king. The king uses the power of fear to get people to embrace the laws, thus leaving public works behind, in the list of priorities. The state would use the common people for labor, following religion, supporting infrastructure, managing businesses, and controlling the state economic input.
2) Women had rights to guard them from being abused by other men or their husbands.
In Babylonian law, husbands were not allowed to cheat on their wives and blame it upon them, and decree the incident their fault.
3) Babylonia had social classes, starting from the top of the social classes consists of free landowning class, which consists of nobles, people of royalty, officials, warriors, commanders, priests, merchants, and some artisans and shopkeepers. Next in the social classes group, are the common people, who usually work as dependent farmers and artisans, whose legal attachment to royal, temple, or private estates made them the primary rural work force in society. The lowest class in the social hierarchy was the slaves, who were