Jim is fascinated with insects and the small animals wondering around grandma’s garden. Antonia seems to be more
Jim is fascinated with insects and the small animals wondering around grandma’s garden. Antonia seems to be more
In Eudora Welty’s novel Delta Wedding, the novel shows the differences between the Southern family and the outside world. Eudora Welty expands the novel by showing the family members connection with the events from the past, and their lives now. The story takes place in Shellmound, Mississippi on the plantation of the Fairchilds. Although the Fairchild’s have a very large family they don’t like to share each other, or accept any new people into the Fairchild family. Dabney Fairchild is marrying Troy Flavin, even when the family has a hard time accepting Troy. Troy tries to become part of the family but no matter how hard he tries he will never truly be accepted into the deep Southern Fairchild family and their inner circle. The differences…
2. A.How is Jim introduced? B. What is significant about Jim’s story of the witches?…
Ántonia was a significant part of his childhood and by the end of the book he saw their friendship as destiny. “For Ántonia and for me, this had been the road of Destiny: had taken us to those early accidents of fortune which predetermined for us all that we can ever be. Now I understood that the same road was to bring us together again. Whatever we had missed, we possessed together the precious, the incommunicable past” (222). Jim’s meeting with her did seem like destiny, because they were on the same train heading to Nebraska, and then became neighbors. While he grew up, it seemed his friendship with Ántonia kept him grounded and…
The story My Antonia is by Willa Cather, who was born in Virginia in 1873. I did enjoy the language, which the story was in first person. The chapter that we did receive from the story was very interesting I wanted to keep reading.…
The book begins with Ossian and Gladys Sweet, an African-American couple, just buying their first house. This was a common event for many people during this time period, but what was so uncommon about the Sweets’ home was the neighborhood their new house was in. The house on Garland Avenue was on an all-white street, in an all-white neighborhood.…
Both Holden Caulfield of “Catcher in the Rye” and Jim Stark from “Rebel Without a Cause” are young, male characters growing up in the 1950’s. Holden is a unique character, especially when it comes to his mentality, views on life, and intersections with others. Holden is a troubled kid, he faces alienation, depression, and social isolation. Jim is a pretty average 1950’s teenager, with a stereotypical lifestyle. Jim is pretty conformed, he tries to fit in, and is noticeable by how he tries to fit into society's standards. These two characters have important similarities and differences. Similarities include family and friendships. Differences include school and conformity.…
In My Antonia by Willa Cather, Jim Burden is visiting his childhood friend Antonia—who he remembers as an especially tenacious and hardworking individual—in Black Hawk, Nebraska. After 20 years of no correspondence, they sit together and chat in a peaceful orchard, and Jim finds that Antonia is pleasantly happy and comfortable with her life. As they reminisce fondly about certain details of their childhoods, Jim notices a group ducks pecking at fallen fruit and admires their colorful feathers, at which Antonia remarks on how they remind her of the soldiers back in Bohemia, her home…
A definite show of affection and love are brought up in the conflicts between Marco and his daughter within the writings of, “Nature Lessons by Nancy Lord”. Marco enjoys nature: the silence, the beauty and most of all the passion that is always forthcoming. Mary is from Los Angeles and seems to be almost the complete opposite as her father. They both enjoy spending time together; yet the emotional aspect of their relationship is lacking, and screams to be adjusted accordingly.…
The setting in the tough hard nosed American South is a perfect place to portray the themes of never give up and perserverance. It is time of slavery in the USA. African American people were not considered equal in the deep south. This is perfect to show the struggle of black americans. In Huck Finn for example an interracial friendship is unheard of. This is what makes the friendship between Huck a white boy and Jim a runaway slave so facinating. Twain using this friendship in this time to show that black and white people can live together in peace. However it was not easy Jim had to get north to become a free man, he can not complete the journey without Huck. We see Jim never giving up hope on Huck and they go through rough times together on the shore when they are not on their raft. This quote from chapter 12 gives you a good feel for the setting: "We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness. It was kind of solemn, drifting down the big, still river, laying on our backs looking…
In literature, a character’s abilities, actions, and opportunities are affected by their surrounding environment, including the characters they interact with. Their Eyes Were Watching God’s Janie Crawford is no exception, as the book follows her ascent from only being capable of reaching the Love and Belonging level while she is the wife of Jody Starks to having the potential to reach the Esteem level after she weds Tea Cake Woods. Zora Neale Hurston’s indirect characterization of Jody Starks as egotistical and Tea Cake as equitable in Their Eyes Were Watching God enables her to convey Janie’s acquired ability to reach the Esteem Level on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as she remarries.…
The question whether Antonia would agree with the definition of happiness as described by Jim Burden is not easy to answer. The author does not go into too much detail regarding the actual thoughts of Antonia but there are several clues given by Jim Burden’s own opinions regarding Antonia’s feelings. Antonia is a person who does not find happiness very easily and it only comes to her fleetingly and with effort.…
If these customs were challenged everything seemed to fall apart. Prior to David and Jennifer arriving, Betty Parker was a picture perfect house wife. When things in Pleasantville began to change Betty refused to cave in to the changing society and stuck with her, and her husbands, beliefs. However, not everything remained pleasant. Betty knew that it was terrible to go against the Pleasantville customs, but something inside her was telling her to change. Firstly, Betty was introduced to many new concepts from Jennifer such as sleeping in one bed, intercourse, and how to please herself. As Betty put her newly learnt knowledge to the test she began to see colour and a tree instantaneously burst into flames. The fire symbolized that this was just the start of something big and that there was much change, along with conflicts, to come. Spectators observed the fire in awe and no one really knew what was going on. This was the first time that something imperfect had happened in the town. Secondly, Betty forgot to cook dinner for her husband one night. “Where’s my dinner?”, was a phrase that caused panic in the community. Betty’s husband looked everywhere for his wife, but Betty was no where to be seen. The imagine of the perfect wife was shattered in Mr. Parker’s eyes when his wife left the house the next day…
Lena Lingard intrigues me. She’s gentle even though she’s lived on the farm her entire life and she manages to make the littlest things exciting with her charisma. In ways, her adventurousness and excitement make her similar to Tony. However, they differ in that Ántonia possesses a quiet beauty and inner strength that contrasts with Lena’s liveliness. It’s strange-- I dream the same dream “a great many times, and it [is] always the same. I [am] in a harvest-field full of shocks, and I [am] lying against one of them. Lena Lingard [comes] across the stubble barefoot, in a short skirt, with a curved reaping-hook in her hand, and she [is] flushed like the dawn, with a kind of luminous rosiness all about her. She [sits] down beside me, [turns] to me with a soft sigh and said, ‘Now they are all gone, and I can kiss you as much as I like.’ I...wish I could have this flattering dream about Ántonia, but I never [do].” (109) I love Ántonia and her steady independence but I cannot see her in my dreams in…
In the novel, the people act dull and in unison. Even their houses have “no front porches… they had time to think. So they ran off with the porches” (pg. #). The…
The ways in which Blake and Nichols present a place they know well are completely different, one is seen as a horrible place and is told to be a horrible place, but the other is seen as paradise, the best place on earth, with sun, sea, great views, the lot.…