1-Choose two biblical examples from the text in the Prologue and examine how the Wife has used / interpreted / challenged these extracts from the Bible. (2, 5)
A: People use to criticize the Wife´s marriages, because according Bible, everybody just could marry once and she had married five times. However, there are same extracts from the Bible that the Wife use in her favour and with it, she makes smarts interpretations.
Firstly, she starts to question one passage of the Bible that a man spoke against her, where Christ said to Samaritan: “Thou hast y-had five husbandes and that now hath thee is not thine husband.” So, the Wife uses …show more content…
She believes that women should to “command” their husbands (through the prologue): “ I governed hem so well after my lawe that ech of hem full blissful was and fawe to bring me gaye thinges fro the faire...Ye wise wives that can understande: Thus shold ye speke and bere hem wrong on hande..” And finally, in the tale she reaffirms this women´s authority when an old woman decides dilemma of her young husband: “Than have I get of you maistry”, quod she, “Sin I may chees and govern as me lest?” “Ye, certes, wife,” quod he, “I hold it best.” Front these issues, we can realize how they are current nowadays: sexual freedom of women, the fight against gender discrimination and só on. The Wife of Bath was written centuries ago, but it has issues that nowadays are still not …show more content…
The first is anti-feminist satires, shows her as disobedient, too talkative, gossiping, lustful and even evil. It is like to say to men, avoid marriage to this “kind” of women.
The second character, satires against the clergy, focused on financial abuses of the Church.
These stories as The Wife of Bath, is like examples, and they have special meaning, tales illustrating moral points.
At lines (11-13) “to weddying, in the cane of galilee”. At the wedding, Jesus, prompted by his mother, turned water into wine to satisfy the wedding party. The Wife relates the authority comment on this passage, which is not logical. Christ performed a miracle, but is do not proof if He approved or not more than one marriage.
On line (33) “bigamy / octagmye”, the Wife means second or eigthth marriages in sucession, not at same time, how it really means.
The wife even asserts her own values about virginity debate.
At lines (I.79-94) “I woot wel”, she argues here that it is good for a man not to touch a woman, but to avoid fornication it is better the couple to get