This notion was first introduced in his work, The Social Contract: an analysis of the contractual relationships that may be necessary in order to establish legitimate government. Rousseau argues that civil society is based on a contractual arrangement of rights and duties which applies equally to all people, whereby natural liberty is exchanged for civil liberty, and natural rights are exchanged for legal rights. The terms of the contract provide assurance that civil laws promote the public good rather than the private good of particular individuals or groups. If the contract is breached by a government which appropriates the sovereignty of its people, then the people are no longer obligated to submit to that government and consequently regain their natural
This notion was first introduced in his work, The Social Contract: an analysis of the contractual relationships that may be necessary in order to establish legitimate government. Rousseau argues that civil society is based on a contractual arrangement of rights and duties which applies equally to all people, whereby natural liberty is exchanged for civil liberty, and natural rights are exchanged for legal rights. The terms of the contract provide assurance that civil laws promote the public good rather than the private good of particular individuals or groups. If the contract is breached by a government which appropriates the sovereignty of its people, then the people are no longer obligated to submit to that government and consequently regain their natural