There are two main theories of evolution one of which was formed by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck who was a plant biologist the other theory was developed by a naturalist named Charles Darwin and the other was. Lamarck’s Theory was first published in 1801 (58 years before Darwin’s theory) in which he presented the Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics. Lamarck thought an organism changes to adapt to its environment which are then passed down to its offspring. Lamarck believed that organisms had either a want or need to change in order to adapt to the surrounding environment. A …show more content…
Darwin’s theory is correct as it has been confirmed by numerous research institutions and universities through comparisons of the strains before and after the development of resistance against methicillin.
To sum up in short, evolution is an often lengthy process of modification through a species of organisms. There are two main theories of evolution the correct of the two is Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection. Evolution can be proven through embryos, fossils, anti-biotic resistant bacteria and much more. Darwin’s theory also applies to St. Aureus as an overuse of antibiotics accelerated the evolution leading to the development of MRSA. MRSA is a type of bacteria resistant to antibiotics containing penicillin. MRSA is also known to be a super bug where it thrives in