
Comparing Leonardo And Michelangelo

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Comparing Leonardo And Michelangelo
Leonardo Da Vinci once said “Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else”. It is important to know that that every action a person takes will impact others in some shape or form. The artworks of Leonardo and Michelangelo displayed to the world their talents and the meaning of life. The Mona Lisa and the Sistine Chapel were both painted during the Renaissance period but from alternate perspectives. Both artists portrayed the human body differently.
The Renaissance was a period between the 14th and 17th centuries which is commonly known as the “Age of Enlightenment”. It included the expansion of trade and the growth of prosperity. Luxury human interests began to rise, and the churches power declined. In the mid-14th
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It seemed that throughout history he was mostly known for his sculptures. One of his most famous sculptures was of a seventeen-foot-tall statue made of marble. This sculpture seemed to even surpass some ancient Greek and Roman statues of the time of David. Michelangelo also created the famous Pieta sculpture at the young age of 24. The Pieta depicted Jesus’ lifeless body on mother Mary’s lap as she mourned his death from crucifixion. This masterpiece combines both the renaissance ideals of classical beauty and naturalism. Michelangelo was commissioned to paint the Sistine Chapel by the Pope Julius II. Although he was reluctant to accept the task, he finally agreed due to the pope’s persistence. Many believe he was lying on his back when he painted the Sistine Chapel, but he actually stood on specially designed scaffolding and painstakingly painted with his head arched back onto wet plaster. It took Michelangelo four years to complete the Sistine Chapel masterpiece. This artwork had a profound effect on other artists of the time, such as Rafael. When Rafael saw the Sistine Chapel, he was so impressed that it made him reevaluate his own artwork on the chapel walls. Rafael decided to scrape off his work and start again using a different approach due to Michelangelo’s influence. Both artists were successful in their own right and achieved many other talents in addition to

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