the Flies’ is written by William Golding shortly which is set in World World war II.
The novel is about a group of Britian boys who are just stranded on an island during the war . The boys discover that the island is under conquer and seeing that, they attempted to create their own rules and laws to sort things out until the rescue arrives . However, as time passed by, things started getting out of control , because they were extremely young and there were no adults to supervision them on the island. The event clearly showed that children are not innocent as they were transformed into savages by nature . Without adult guidance or supervision, the entire spectrum of this dark side inherent in them would be manifested in full force. In addition, Toys of peace continue to support mankind's essential illness and Saki’s statement that how nature and environment affects them .Not giving her young sons the toys they wanted , and having taken away their toys that were showing the battle Siege of Adrianople, Eleanor instructs her brother Harvey to give them innovative "peace
toys" as present of Easter . When the packages are opened by young boys , Bertie shouts "It's a fort!" and is disappointed when his uncle replies "It's a municipal dustbin." The boys were confused and initially baffled and a to how to obtain any enjoyment out of these simple and non-fightable models of a school of art and a public library, or from little figures of John Stuart Mill, Felicia Hemans and Sir John Herschel. Well, Eric and Bertie inventiveness finds a way, however, as the boys combine their history lessons and perspectives on Louis XIV set in violent play-story about the invasions of Britain and a young women association .The end of the story has Harvey reporting failure to Eleanor, explaining "We have begun too late”.
In both stories Lord of the flies and Toys of peace demonstrates how jack shows his inescapable evilness to conquer and create his own tribe but not sticking together. Whereas Eric and Berti finds themselves disappointed because they don't get those ferocious fighting skills soldiers toys .Authors William Goulding and Saki accomplishes in illustrating how easily can evilness possess a human and make him do whatever it wants. Simon believes the "essential illness" is the dark side of humanity. He knew that in each of us is both the good and evil that men is up to us to decide which is side is right ,what we have to follow and what’s the outcome of it . Will we give into temptation or will we resist it in the name of goodness and righteousness based on what’s right.