In the Marx’s view on trade union, the relationship of production in the Capitalism has two important sides, which is the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The bourgeoisie is the owner of market to produce products. Their goal is to increase their markets to have more money, surplus value, and wealth (Tucker, p.473). The proletariat is the worker who works for the bourgeoisie, but receive their wages based on their work (p. 473). Basically, workers produce the products using bourgeoisie’s material for the market. The workers do not have means of production, so they could not produce products to sell to get something from the market, which they only could sell their power to working. If the bourgeoisie …show more content…
want to be richer, then he needs to pay proper amount of wages for workers to produce products for the market. If this cycle of process ruins then the workers would gather together for making a group of trade union. The capital of capitalist relations is increase the length of working time and lower wages, workers struggle to increase wages reduce the workday. This makes the union workers.
In the Luxemburg’s view on trade union, for me it looks similar view on trade union, because according to Dr.
Leeb’s lecture note, it says “can only limit capitalist exploitation, which means the workers want to increase wages and reduction of labor time” (Political Science 333 Dr. Leeb’s lecture note). If the trade union struggles on fighting back against to bourgeoisie, then it would be very difficult to handle the situation. There are two situations of workers could win the fighting; using conjuncture of the market and make up for losses suffered on the world market (Waters, p.36). If no workers are producing products for the market, then the market would be closed, which means the bourgeoisie does not have power to control the workers, otherwise both the trade union and the owner consent on increasing wage and less reduce of labor
Both the Marx and Luxemburg’s view on the trade union are similar, which I support on proletariat’s side that if the owners want products from the workers to run the market, then the owner need to pay proper amount of money and the work time, otherwise there would be a group of trade union against to the owner.