Literature is timeless. Literary pieces can relate to everyday living even if they were written long ago. Also, literature contains techniques that were used long ago, and are still studied today. In a play called Oedipus Rex, written many years ago, Sophocles combines important lessons by telling a story of a royal couple, King Laius and Queen Jocasta, who birth a child, and send him to be killed after hearing about a curse that their son will one day kill his father and marry his mother. Their son’s life is saved when a citizen notices the boy and takes him to another royal family. The boy grows up in Corinth, and becomes King Oedipus. After hearing about the curse, Oedipus runs away in fear that the curse might force him to kill his father, and marry his mother. Coincidentally, King Oedipus ends up in Thebes, kills his biological father, and marries his biological mother. The heart wrenching story of a man who denies fate brings each audience together and threads many themes into an award-winning play. Among many reasons Oedipus Rex is an award-winning play, the most important include the comparisons found that are similar to everyday living today, the exploration and studies of profound writing, and expansion on universal themes and ideas.…