Before the late 20th century, transportation was difficult and took massive amounts of time and effort to go from place to place. Orville and Wilbur Wright made the concept of human flight possible on December 17, 1905, but what makes Orville and Wilbur Wright deserve a place in history? Orville and Wilbur Wright, also known as the Wright Brothers, have made an immense contribution to the mass travel of the world. These two inventors and aviation pioneers had created and flew the first practical airplane that anyone has ever created. The Wright
Brothers showed the world that human flight was in fact possible and that it could be accomplished. The Wright Brothers also never gave up and kept working hard to make a
sustainable …show more content…
Preparation was a key factor for the Wright Brothers, and they went through a lot of hard work, and construction to make the first ever airplane, to be human flown. Accomplishments and Contributions
The Wright Brothers never gave up and kept working hard to make a sustainable and workable aircraft that flew farther distances. The Wright Brothers contributed so much in the making of the very first airplane. In the source, “Wilbur Wright,” the author states in the text,
“Wilbur and Orville Wright were inventors with little formal training who are best remembered for inventing the first heavier-than-air, engine-powered passenger flying craft. They not only invented the airplane, but some of the systems we use for flight control today,” (“Wilbur Wright”
2008). The Wright Brothers made human flight possible and without them, we probably wouldn’t have some of the flight capabilities we have today. They showed the world that human
THE WRIGHT BROTHERS 6 flight was in fact possible and it shocked everyone. Even after the Wright Brothers successfully made an aircraft, that could be human flown, they still did not stop making improvements and tweaks on the aircraft. In the source, “Orville Wright,” the author had stated in the text,