La Salle Art Museum has been opened for about thirty-six years now and owns a constant exhibition of artworks from the Renaissance to the present ( The gallery possesses many artworks made by people from different centuries and countries. Parsifal by Pinckney Marcius Simon from the late 19th century and Free Will and Miracle by Bo Bartlett from the late 20th century are two artworks exhibited at La Salle Art Museum. These two artworks are different regarding the background of each painter, the technique used and the emotional appeal of the painting. Both paintings have a common characteristic which is hope.
Parsifal is an artwork painted in oil on canvas by Pinckney Marcius Simon. After researching, I noticed that Simon’s birthday date was uncertain. According to the card next …show more content…
The history I deduced from this painting makes me believe that people should continue hoping that a good thing will soon happen. Each detail added to Free Will and Miracle gives it a particular sense. Bartlett’s painting inspires in me a couple who had to sleep under a bridge for some reasons, hoping someone would rescue them. This couple believes in a miracle and is persuaded they will find a way to get out of this situation, even though they feel sometimes sad. Free Will and Miracle makes me smile when I see this couple go on believing in a miracle after spending a night in the cold. It makes me realize that the proverb ‘’Nothing is ever lost in advance’’ is full of meaning as there is always a hope that things will get better. Free Will and Miracle is an artwork that really succeeds and I believe it might have renewed hope in many people’s lives because of the emotion given