Saving Private Ryan (1998), directed by Steven Spielberg, is significant in exhibiting the war film genre, and it does not hold back in displaying the brutal and despairing realities of war. The film centers itself around D-Day of World War II. The first twenty minutes begin with an intense battle between the American and German forces on Omaha Beach, and gives the most vivid message that war often makes one uneasy and can affect a person not only physically, but mentally. The mise en scene is set and begins with a view of the beach’s shoreline that looks out onto the ocean. We can see here that the beach is dispersed with many obstacles, with the attempts to make sure nobody ever reaches land. When the American soldiers are approaching enemy lines, you can see that an array of emotion is being displayed between the soldiers. We see some references to religion, both explicitly and implicitly, especially from Private Jackson who repeatedly clenches …show more content…
We see the sacrifices these soldiers have to endure, from losing one another to losing limbs, to possibly never being the same again.This makes us then question if the bravery and dedication that the soldiers are expected to show, is really worth the loss they may have to endure in the