More specifically, she portrays the benefits of self-practice. Dickinson displays her views by favoring revelation and having direct contact with God, standing against organized religion and its traditional rituals. She sets the tone of the poem, by stating “Some keep the Sabbath going to Church/ I keep it, staying at Home” (Lines 1-2). She is simply stating that ‘some’ or most people keep the Sabbath, the seventh day of the week, for going to church. Whereas, she practices and speaks to God within her own home. Dickinson implies that she is able to see and perceive her faith all around her, no matter the surroundings, stating, “With a Bobolink for a Chorister/ And an Orchard, for a Dome” (Lines 3-4). She incorporates this idea through a metaphor, comparing the black bird to a choir and the church to an orchard. Some readers may think the speaker is mocking mass and insulting the church where she includes, “Some keep the Sabbath in Surplice/ I just wear my Wings/ And instead of tolling the Bell, for Church/ Our little Sexton-sings” (Lines 5-8). To Dickinson’s speaker, the clergymen who
More specifically, she portrays the benefits of self-practice. Dickinson displays her views by favoring revelation and having direct contact with God, standing against organized religion and its traditional rituals. She sets the tone of the poem, by stating “Some keep the Sabbath going to Church/ I keep it, staying at Home” (Lines 1-2). She is simply stating that ‘some’ or most people keep the Sabbath, the seventh day of the week, for going to church. Whereas, she practices and speaks to God within her own home. Dickinson implies that she is able to see and perceive her faith all around her, no matter the surroundings, stating, “With a Bobolink for a Chorister/ And an Orchard, for a Dome” (Lines 3-4). She incorporates this idea through a metaphor, comparing the black bird to a choir and the church to an orchard. Some readers may think the speaker is mocking mass and insulting the church where she includes, “Some keep the Sabbath in Surplice/ I just wear my Wings/ And instead of tolling the Bell, for Church/ Our little Sexton-sings” (Lines 5-8). To Dickinson’s speaker, the clergymen who