
Comparing Suicide's Forgotten Victims By Baraka And Aubrey Love

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Internalization of Values
Socialization of the Baraka and Keiski

Aubrey Love
English Comp 3
Dr. Popham

The people who inhabit a community and their interactions with one another comprise a society. These repeated interactions allow people to internalize or, hold true, what society portrays as everyday norms and values. These norms and values are instilled during childhood through the time he or she becomes an adult. Amiri Baraka’s autobiography “School” and Lisa Keiski’s essay “Suicide’s Forgotten Victims,” makes this evident. In both “School” and “Suicide’s Forgotten Victims,” Baraka’s and Keiski’s daily interactions with their peers, authority figures, and society contribute to the formulation of important life
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School provided Baraka with an environment to social with students that have common interests and goals: “The games and sports of the playground and streets was one registration carried with us as long as we live” (260). Friends compose the next primary socializing agent outside the family. It allows Baraka to see beyond his small world at home and introduces him to new experiences. Physical and recreational activities are important components in childhood development. Interactions with his peers provided Baraka with his first experience of equal status relationships. When Baraka played around with his friends, he made a distinction between himself and the others around him. The games shared between his friends shows that Baraka began learning to understand the idea of multiple roles; the duties and behaviors expected of someone who holds a particular status. Baraka took the values he learned from playing with his friends and certified them, implementing them in his everyday actions for the rest of his life. Baraka’s peers allowed him to internalize a vital life lesson necessary for the real …show more content…

The nature of society blames and points fingers when something goes wrong: “We, as a society, need to stop stigmatizing the friends and relatives of a suicide victim and start helping them” (94). The societal stigma that followed casted blame on Keiski for Sue’s suicidal attempt, subjecting her to isolation. This stigma only promotes more grief, increases the recovery time, and discourages individuals from seeking help. Keiski argues that society needs to change its approach in deailing with suicide and suicide’s victim. Instead of pointing fingers and having scapegoats, society needs to give support and sympathy to families that have lost a love one to suicide. Keiski wants society to focus on prevention and intervention to allow families and friends to cope with their

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