I don't know its really hard for me to choose between Thanksgiving and Independence Day. I mean if you really think about it their really both an Independence Day. So centuries ago on the 4th of July(Independence Day) our country won the war for our freedom. You may say well then the choice should be easy just pick Independence Day, but the choice relly isent that easy. Just think 300 years before Independence Day our ancestors made a major choice. They chose to go against the crown and sail to America, they chose to sacrifice lives, go with very little food, risk making friends with Indians for freedom. So when they relised
I don't know its really hard for me to choose between Thanksgiving and Independence Day. I mean if you really think about it their really both an Independence Day. So centuries ago on the 4th of July(Independence Day) our country won the war for our freedom. You may say well then the choice should be easy just pick Independence Day, but the choice relly isent that easy. Just think 300 years before Independence Day our ancestors made a major choice. They chose to go against the crown and sail to America, they chose to sacrifice lives, go with very little food, risk making friends with Indians for freedom. So when they relised