
Comparing The Film 'Duck And Cover'

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Cold War and Communism
Se 'Sees Holmes
July 27, 2015
Justin Horton
Cold War and Communism
After viewing the film “Duck and Cover”, it opened my eyes to many things that I as truly unaware of and things that were going on during this time. Seeing these things first hand gave me clearer understanding as to what the people went through and what actually happened. I am sure that it would be extremely frightening to live under the threat of a nuclear war and become constant worry that you could die at any time. The movie gave the people ways to protect themselves and their families, however what if there wasn’t enough of those outlets to protect all. Nuclear bombs cause great damage and in order to be fully protected I feel you
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While terrorism goes off of believers and those willing to sacrifice, war works off of troop deployment and aircrafts. The difference in the two is terrorism does not need large amounts of people to carry out their mission, most times there is no specific target in most cases causing innocent people harm or death. War has a specific target and plan, it is carried out by a group, this could be a military organization, a country, volunteers, or a mass organization. Although harm and death come as a result of war as well the victims in this instance are euphemistically called "Collateral Damage" (Los Angeles Times, 1998). I can attest that today we as the people are encountering the threats of terrorism, 9/11, The Boston Marathon, airplane takeovers, the list goes on and to think that it is far from over is scary. We cannot even go the movies with our children for fear of being shot, or attend a big event for fear of the threats from terrorists will be carried out. It is scary and uncomfortable. Living in fear is not a good feeling and is very stressful. I am sure the people during the time of the cold war and dealing with communism felt the same

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