
Comparing The Great Pyramids And King Tut

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Comparing The Great Pyramids And King Tut
Years ago, in Ancient Egypt, many monuments, structures, and statues were formed, built, and carved to create well known pieces of art today. They all vary from the period it was created, the size of the monument, how the monument was made, and the purpose of the monument, the monuments historical significance, and the artistic style. For instance, the Great Pyramids and King Tutankhamen’s mask are two very different things yet have many things in common; such as its importance to the society. The Great Pyramids and King Tut’s mask were both used to symbolize the importance of someone’s death. The Great Pyramids were used as a tomb for the pharaoh. The pharaoh could decide how he wanted it to be made before his death. Many of the pharaoh’s spent many years planning their pyramid. The Great Pyramids were made for the pharaohs Khufu, Khafre, and Menkahre. Inside these giant tombs were objects and paintings that shed light on their specific lifestyles. King Tut’s mask …show more content…
The pyramids were made of limestone, a white casing stone, and granite. The white casing stone was put on the outside of the tomb once it was completed. The white casing enabled the pyramids to be seen for miles from all sides, which led to robbers coming to them. These robbers could break into the doors of the pyramids and steal things from inside which later led to the doors of the pyramids to be made stronger. The pyramids were made with an estimated of 2.3 million stones with weights as low as 2.75 tons to as heavy as 16 tons. King Tut’s mask was made of solid gold with embellishments all around the mask. The embellishments were made of semi-precious stones and colored glass paste. The eyes are made of obsidian and quartz. Around the eyes there is blue lapis lazuli to imitate the makeup he wore. The mask weighed about 10 kilos which is 24 pounds and 21 inches by 15 inches

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