People were being falsely accused of conspiring against God. In Salem the people were very avid about their religion, therefor being accused of witchcraft was as to be conspiring against God. The Nurses were being falsely accused by the Putnams of witchcraft. Goody Putnam we jealous of Goody Nurse. The Putnams had “laid seven babies unbaptized in the earth” and had less land, whereas the Nurses had 11 children and 26
People were being falsely accused of conspiring against God. In Salem the people were very avid about their religion, therefor being accused of witchcraft was as to be conspiring against God. The Nurses were being falsely accused by the Putnams of witchcraft. Goody Putnam we jealous of Goody Nurse. The Putnams had “laid seven babies unbaptized in the earth” and had less land, whereas the Nurses had 11 children and 26