They have creation stories that are similar to each other’s, the people were hunters and gatherers who depended on their goddesses for protection and making of food for their family and their communities. The Stone Age is considered the fundamental of the agriculture revolution, and hunter-gathering because people developed tools to help themselves in the process of growing food, protecting themselves and hunter gathering. The Stone Age fertility is compared to the Vikings and Indian empires because violence and sacrifice also played a role in the Stone Age Fertility. It was a time when people worshipped woman deities and goddesses because human life emerged from a women deities and throughout creation stories “female and male deities were worshiped in these societies, the highest power in the universe was seen as the feminine power to give and sustain life “(Eisler, Pg4). Eisler meant that the feminist powers were shared between a female and a male deities to enhance life, but the power is obtained in a feminist form. In most of the creation stories we covered in class, emphasize on how a goddesses used a male snakes in the process of giving birth and regenerating to the earth. In the Vikings and the Indian religions also have creation stories that talked about how goddesses were the head of the deities because they were known as the giver, and nurturer of life and could take it …show more content…
The Indians religion is developed from many creation stories, and are similar to the Stone Age and the Vikings Empire. The Indian religions is consist of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, and is worshipped and practiced differently by many Indians. The Indians depends on their goddesses and gods for blessing and being the provider of food, and wealth. Hinduism is the largest religion in India because is known as a one god religion that transformed in an avatar's form to serve many purposes... The word “Vedas” mean knowledge, and the India believed in an afterlife called the castle system that states “ a good life means the soul will be born into a higher state in its next incarnation, an evil life did not means eternal damnation but a rebirth of the soul into a lower state, possibly even as an animal” (Davis, Pg. 327). This is a kind of system that mean if you do the right thing your soul will probably be reborn in a better class than the past until you enter in the heavenly kingdom where the head god Brahman Lives. Yoga as also played a role In the India religions, because yoga was used doing the India time of worshipped to connect their body and mind with their soul during meditation. In some of the India creation stories the “primal man” was cut into pieces and offered as sacrifices to form the universe. “… From his head the sky evolved, from his feet the earth, and from his ear the cardinal points of the compass”