The main points Marlowe uses for reasoning included that the Shepherd, and the Nymph could live in the country, that nature is lovely, and that they can be happy in nature. Also another reason being that the Shepherd will shower the Nymph in fine materials, including dress, shoes, and a belt. These main ideas are shown in the poem when the Shepherd proclaimed,” There will we sit upon the rocks and see the shepherds feed their flocks,” (Marlowe, 2. 1-2), and when he lists,” A belt of straw and ivy buds with coral clasps and amber studs” (Marlowe, 5. 1-2). Both of these statements are used to try and convince the Nymph of the Shepherds love to her, and are used for the next two poems counters towards Marlowes poem’s thoughts, and beliefs about love, and what makes people fall in love, and stay in love over the course of …show more content…
Raleigh takes Marlowes reasoning, and counters them with the reasons faults. The main ideas from Marlowe’s poem stated that the rural country and farmland is where the Nymph could be happy with the Shepherd, and that if she moved in with him in the country that he would give her a lot of valuable items to make her happy. Raleigh seized these and responded by retorting,” Time drives the flocks from field to fold, when rivers rage and rocks grow cold,” (Raleigh, 2. 1-2) ,and “ Thy cap, thy kirtle, and thy posies Soon break, soon wither, soon forgotten:” (Raleigh, 4. 2-3). These two statements reveal Raleigh’s poems main idea that the country will not always be tranquil, and joyful, and also that none of the material items will survive over time, will be lost, and will not cause the Nymph to live with the Shepherd. This leads to William’s poem that continues to draw upon Marlowes ideals, and also embellishes on Raleigh’s main idea that the country will not be