By comparing the two sculptures of Khafre, image 3-11 ca. 2520-2494 BCE (1), with the statue of Doryphoros (Spear Bearer), image 5-40 ca. 450-440 BCE (2) you get a true sense of the evolution of art, from Pharaonic Egypt to Classical Athenian Greece two millennia later. This was not just a revolution in art but also philosophy, which transported itself into not only the types sculptures created but also the style used by their creators.…
The first one I’m going to be talking about is called “Statue of Venus (the Mazarin Venus),” the artist is unknown; it’s located in Rome, Italy and dated on A.D. 100-200. Its size is human size approximation 6’ 3” high. The texture looked smooth, but with some toughness, its color to me looked beige, the shape is of a woman holding a blanket or towel to cover herself by her side she has a dolphin and the medium is made of marble. Some information I found of this statue is that her name is “Aphrodite” (Venus), the daughter of Zeus and Dione. “She is the goddess of love and beauty. In one version of her myth, she was born from the foam (aphros in Greek) of the sea” (107). “Venus, the goddess of love, stands nude, grasping a piece of cloth around her hips. The dolphin at her feet supports the figure and alludes to the goddess’s birth from the sea” (Getty Museum). The period of the statue is a Roman. “It was discovered in Rome, where it contributed to the Renaissance revival of the Classical tradition” (Getty Museum). The geographical origin is in Rome. “For the Romans, Venus (Aphrodite to the Greeks) played an important role in the epic tales of the Trojan…
The death of Alexander the Great inspired the beginning of the Hellenistic era of the fourth century. The characteristics of this period marked a separation and divide from earlier Greek’s works. Hellenistic artist’s begun expressing their sculptures with such high degree of naturalism contrasting with the earlier religious sculptures that used the idea of realism. Another essential idea that Hellenistic artists used to convey their message on sculptures was the use of emotion, drama, lighting and dynamics poses. The foundation of the Hellenistic era supported many of the works created during the Italian Renaissance. Many of the sculptures created during the Italian Renaissance comprised of religious beings such as Mary or JesuThis paper will…
One of the differences is that The Venus of Willendorf was created out of a yellow limestone as well as tinted red by traces of ochre. The Venus of Laussel was carved onto a limestone block. A similarity is that both sculptures were made out of some type of limestone. Both masterpieces consist of an overweight woman with large breasts, as well as a head with no facial features. The head on the Venus of Willendorf is almost completely covered by a braided pattern. The head on the Venus of Laussel is unclear or decayed and has what looks to be long hair. Another difference is that the overweight woman in the Venus of Laussel has her left hand on her belly, making me think she may be pregnant. It is fascinating to look at the differences and similarities of both sculptures, it makes me wonder how similar the artists…
The first work of art I found was earliest art which was from 120,000 BCE-100 CE. IT had the most depicting animals including large and powerful creatures that suggested the artists desire to imitate the actual appearance of the animals represented. Giving the animals a sense of volume by using gradation of color. It also created sculptural objects small and carved figures of people mostly of women and animals. It reflected a more abstract and less naturalistic approach to representation.…
Venus of Willendorf "was found on August 7th, 1908 during a systematic excavation in the ninth and highest layer of Site II in Willendorf, Austria by Josef Szombathy. The most recent estimate of her date of origin is 24,000-22,000 B.C " (Chapman, 1998, p.1). She is one of the most famous of the non-tool artifacts created by the earlier Stone Age people. It was said that the "earlier Stone Age people were content to collect pebbles in whose natural shape they saw something that made them special " (Janson, 2001, p.35). As written by Janson, (2001) apparently the Willendorf 's voluptuous figure was formed by an egg shaped pebble. Her shape definitely gives off a womanly aura which is probably why she is considered a symbol of fertility. According to Hahn, Joachim, (1996) other hints…
Throughout the history of humans, one thing has always stood out. As soon as man was created, art was created. Scientists have discovered cave paintings from cavemen more than ten thousand plus years ago. Ever since we figured we could create objects using mud, we have never stopped. Ten thousand years later and art is one of the most important things we have in the world today. Instead of using mud, we use paint, glass, markers and so on. Some artists work’s stand out more than others, but I will be talking about a few works of art from the local area. The idea of art started ten thousand years ago, and will most likely never end.…
Periods and their Artists * Chapter 3 Egypt * Old Kingdom (2700-2190 BCE) * Imhotep – Stepped Pyramid of Djoser * Chapter 5 Ancient Greece * Archaic (600-480 BCE) * Andokides Painter –Achilles and Ajax * Ergotimos –[and Kleitius] Fracois Vase * Euphronios –Death of Sarpedon * Exekias –Achilles and Ajax; Suicide of Ajax; Dionysis in a Boat * Polykleitos –Doryphoros * Classical (480-320 BCE) * Kalikrates –Temple of Athena Nike; [ and Iktinos] Parthenon * Lysippos -Apoxyomenos…
When one hears the term sculpture in the round they might think of a circle or sphere. Sculpture in the round truly just means an object that can be viewed from all sides. In the margin is an example of modern day sculpture in the round that shares many attributes to Woman (Venus of Willendorf) found in Willendorf, Austria. ca. 25,000-20,000 (Sayre 5). Both statues have particularly voluptuous figures and are seemingly human. The only difference being the Venus statue is missing a head and clothing, whereas the Buddha statue is fully clothed. Although very different contexts, both figures seem to be objects of praise. The Venus figure’s praise comes more from a place of female standard of beauty, while the Buddha is from a more spiritual and religious context. To contrast, the Venus figurine is made of limestone and stands at only 4” (Sayre 5). While the Buddha figure isn’t exactly large, it is still much bigger than the Venus of Willdendorf. It is fair to say that even though there are quite a few differences between the two sculptures, their size, shape, and stature are undeniably…
The first art work chosen was a figure by Myron of Athens, Discobolous. The Discobolous, a Discus Thrower, is a Roman marble copy after a bronze original of 450 BCE. A picture of this piece is shown below, figure 1. This piece of art work is simply amazing and exemplifies the Greek sense of harmony and balance (Petronius, 2008). The artist depicted the statutes of that time, a male nude figure, which seems to express freedom of movement and the Greeks idea of beauty. Furthermore, this artwork exemplifies the role of the artist through a representation of human strength and values.…
In 1908, archaeologist Josef Szombathy’s workman Josef Veram uncovered the figure that has come to be known as the Venus of Willendorf. Found at a Paleolithic dig site in Willendorf, Austria, the Venus of Willendorf is a small limestone figure of a women. 53 years later, in Çatalhöyük, Turkey James Mellaart dug up the Seated Mother Goddess, or Seated Woman of Çatalhöyük. This figure was also clearly a women, but it was larger, and made out of clay as compared to the Venus of Willendorf. Though they came from very different parts of the world, historians soon recognized the striking similarities between the two figures. Despite the differences between where they were found, and the time periods they came from, the two figures had undeniable similarities. Both had largely defined…
Sometime around 310 BCE an artist by the name of Philoxenus of Eretria created a…
The Venus of Willendorf gets her name based on the term art historian’s used to depict early sculptures of women and based on where she was discovered. The Venus of Willendorf was given the “Venus” name because it is a collective term that art historians and archaeologists used to name Stone Age figurines of women. The term Venus comes from the Greco-Roman goddess of beauty and love. The term “Willendorf”’ fits into her name because she was found on the banks of the Danube River in Willendorf, Austria. According to Gardners Art through the Ages, the name Venus of Willendorf is “inappropriate and misleading… it is doubtful…
Throughout different time periods and civilizations come many different types of art that would never be comparable to those of another time or place. There are also the pieces that come from a completely different time and place, but yet they can still be compared to one another. The Torso of a God (Egyptian, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, last decade of the reign of Amenhotep III, Granodiorite, 1359-1349 B.C.) and the Statue of Asklepios (Greek, Hellenistic period, Pentelic Marble, 2nd century B.C.) are two sculptures made hundreds of years apart, yet they both display many similarities and show how art is constantly changing whilst keeping the same core ideas.…
From multiple paintings of the Birth of Venus to the Rod of Asclepius being utilized a symbol of medicine…