In Europe developed, for centuries, two systems of law which did not influenced each other: continental law and british island law, two legal conceited and strong personalized worlds. In nowadays in Great Britain do not exist a Constitution as an unique fundamental act, to regulate its political organization.
The Constitution is made of lots of categories of legal rules which we found them in common law, statuary law and equity: Equity is a fundamental principle which provides the fact that ‘’a right violation cannot remain without sanction ‘’ and means equality between parts being in process. Statuary law represents the third department made of right laws create by the write law, some laws dating back centuries. Unlike the English legal system, Romanian legal system has a Constitution since 1866. The Constitution in force is that from 2003. The state is organized on the principle of separation of powers: the executive power, the legislative power and the judiciary power. The legislative power is represented by Parliament and deals with the issue of laws. The executive power is represented by Government which deals with enforcement of laws, and the Judiciary power deals with the interpretation of laws. Regarding the Romanians confidence in Romanian legal system this is lacking. Romanians do not have trust in legal system because, they believe, it is very corrupt and it is possible to buy your ‘’ innocence‘’. Beside this, laws are imprecise and let place for interpretation. If we refer to Romanians knowledge on laws, those are very poor. The majority of people never read the Constitution and they do not know which those three separated powers in state are. Ordinary people, which do not interact with the judiciary system have the impression that the things regulated in Constitution not directly concern them. This thing is not good because they do not know their rights and