What are the similarities and differences between these theories? Look at the intersection of each row and column.
• Start by listing the stages of each theory in the blue boxes.
• Then go back to the readings on the theory and put the similarities between the two theories in their pink box intersection
• Put the differences between the theories in the intersection that is colored yellow.
• When you are done, delete this instruction text to make more room on the page for the chart.
As you type into the boxes, the table will expand. When you are done, the pink boxes in the upper right will have the identified similarities, and the yellow boxes in the lower left will have the identified differences. Be sure you include at least two items in each box.
Key: Theory Stages Similarities Differences
Models Tuckman Model Wheelan Model Woodcock Model 6C’s Model
Model 1. Forming
2. Storming
3. Norming
4. Performing -Dependency is part of initial (First) stage in both theories -Leader relied on
-Objectives uncertain
-Objectives become clear and agreed on
- -Ground rules, roles, and expectations are unclear
-High dependency on Leader
-Roles responsibilities become more clear
-More concern with groups success
1. Dependency and Inclusion
2. Counter-decency and fight
3. Trust/Structure
4. Work/Productivity
5. Final -Leader relied upon
-Issues are more openly faced
-Personal interaction established
-Task more clarified
-Feelings are open -Trust is build in both theories
-Conflict is likely to arise in stage two (2) of each theory
1. Undeveloped
2. Experimenting
3. Consolidating
4. Mature -Teams commitment towards one another
-Group Issues form
Model 1. Coalesce
2. Conflict
3. Confidence
4. Commitment
5. Community
6. Creativity