The NLN or National League for Nursing is an organization that is open to all people who are interested in nursing. Like nurses, nonnurses, and agencies. The NLN was founded in 1952, and its objective is to foster the development and improvement of all nursing services and nursing education. The NLN is the largest testing service in the United States; it includes pre-entrance exams for potential students and tests to measure the student’s progress. The NLN is also the primary source when it comes to surveys of schools and surveys of new RN’s. The NLN also provides voluntary accreditation for educational programs in nursing. Like the ANA the NLN cost money to belong to. The NLN though is cheaper than the ANA only costing you $120 a year.
It is very important for a nurse to belong to a nursing association such as the ANA or the NLN, to develop her/his leadership skills, improve networking and find supporters. Being actively involved with a professional organization, allows nurses to work together to have a powerful voice in legislation regarding critical healthcare issues, it also keeps nurses up-to-date about all the related issues such as new laws that may affect the nursing practice. The opportunity to continue education (often for minimal or no cost), which is required to maintain the license, is another important reason