Healthcare in the United States and Belgium Americans and law makers currently debate the healthcare system in the United States. Most Democrats feel American’s need government controlled healthcare, and most Republicans feel this give the government too much power over the American people. “Belgium 's healthcare system is rated by, a UK expatriates web site, as having one of the best healthcare systems in Europe”. Both the United States and Belgium have very different health care systems the share many similarities, but also have many differences. The main similarity between Belgium and The United States is they both require mandatory coverage. They also have many differences such as the amount paid by the patient and the penalty for not having coverage. Belgium’s mandatory Healthcare system requires all working citizens to contribute as part of the social security enrolment process. Both employers and employees participate in the program, with employees paying 3.55% of their wages and with employer’s paying 3.8%. Those who are self-employed or freelancers, they are responsible for the full amount paid quarterly to the insurance fund that they are affiliated with. The self-employed and freelancers are only covered for major risks such as surgery and partial reimbursement for some dental care and consultations. The plan automatically provides coverage for the dependent family members, including spouses and children up to the age of 18. The United States also requires participation in there mandatory health care program. The 2014 U.S Healthcare or Affordable Health Care Act is a mandatory program, which requires all citizens to have healthcare coverage to be in compliance. If a person does not have qualifying health coverage, a person pay’s a tax penalty starting at $695.00 up to $2085.00 per year. The Affordable Health Care Act make some exclusion’s such as,
References: Cock, J. D. (2010). Preformance of the Belgiam Health System. 51. Gold, S. (2011, May 11). The Guardian. Retrieved from Merkur, S. G. (2010). Belgium Health System Review. Health Systems in Transition , 301. Summary of the Affordable Health Care Act. (2013, April 23). Retrieved from Kaiser Family Foundation: