Author; Jason John
Thesis statement:
Phonetic transcriptions places emphasis on the precise representation of speech sounds. Whereas Orthography, particularly English orthography contains many variations when coming to the actual lexical transcriptions and pronunciations of those lexical transcriptions.
Orthography can be defined as a method of representing a language or the sounds of a language by writing a symbol, which is referred to as spelling. In this paper, I shall focus on English orthography. In the English language we use a spelling system by use of lexical representation, commonly referred to as the modern English alphabet. Although this system may seem perfect, there are also disadvantages to it. We tend to believe that orography is easier or better due to the fact that we have mainly been exposed to this system thus making it easier for most persons to understand. Whereas with phonetic transcriptions we usually depend on another system, which is referred to as the “International Phonetic Alphabet.” As we are aware phonetics focuses on the articulation and perception of speech sounds. Therefore when we use the term phonetic transcription, we are merely speaking about transcribing these terms phonetically. Both Orthography and phonetic transcription can be used in order to teach someone a language however they are taught by different methods. Currently in Jamaica, students are being taught using both phonetic transcriptions in order to learn their native creole (Jamaican Creole) as well as English orthography for Standard English. By doing this, they are exposing persons to both methods of speech, phonetic and orthography. (Seaton). However these two although having similar purposes in educating or teaching someone a language, are
Cited: "Dictionary." N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2014. "Introduction to Phonetic Transcription." Antimoon: How to Learn English Effectively. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2014. "Introduction to Phonetic Transcription." Antimoon: How to Learn English Effectively. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Feb. 2014. "Learn Foreign Language Phonetics." English Phonetic Transcription. English Pronunciation Rules. English Pronunciation Guide. IPA. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2014. Seaton, Shad, Mr. "Phonetics." 31 Jan. 2014. Lecture.